Datenaffaire - Episoden

Episode 14 – Where data decides on life or death

Photo: Private

Question what you measure: 
Is it really useful to meausre input into the health system (the financial budget invested) or is it more useful to measure output of the health system (the health and service provision to the population)?

Anja Smith, Ph.D., is an economist at the management consultancy Percept based in Cape Town. She consults and has conducted academic research on the South African health care system – especially on the shortage of data on the quality of health care services. 

Von annikabbergbauer

Dr. Annika B. Bergbauer ist eine Tech-Ökonomin und Unternehmensberaterin. Wenn sie nicht über die Zukunft der Datenanalyse oder Bildungspolitik diskutiert, besteigt sie Berge - oft genug alles gleichzeitig.

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